Getting Invisalign in Atlanta, GA

Getting Invisalign in Atlanta, GA

Straight teeth and a well-aligned bite can mean much more than a beautiful smile. They have functional value and are beneficial for your health too. Invisalign has brought a revolutionary change in the field of orthodontics. The technology is always evolving to enhance the results in straightening teeth and beautifying smiles faster, while offering longer-lasting results.

It involves the use of clear, soft, and removable aligners that will gradually align your teeth. The aligner trays are comfortable and fit perfectly over your teeth. We regularly use Invisalign & iTero technology for correcting mild to moderate overcrowding and spacing problems in our patients. Our patients’ Invisalign smile journey begins with the iTero Element intraoral scanner.

Invisalign is a highly effective way to straighten teeth in a comfortable, convenient, and discreet manner. The aligner trays are meant to be removed for brushing, flossing, eating, and drinking. When it comes to more severe bite issues, orthodontists might recommend other orthodontic or restorative treatments.

January 18, 2022|Categories: Harris Orthodontics|
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